Moderating Town Meetings Zoom Webinar – Feb.26, 2025
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Important re: MMA’s pay-to-view video trainings:Please note that MMA’s paid webinar videos are not downloadable and cannot be shared with other users or members (unless streamed in a group setting). Access to the video will appear under the purchaser/user’s MMA eBusiness Account (under Digital...
Important re: MMA’s pay-to-view video trainings:Please note that MMA’s paid webinar videos are not downloadable and cannot be shared with other users or members (unless streamed in a group setting). Access to the video will appear under the purchaser/user’s MMA eBusiness Account (under Digital Content Access). Individuals seeking to view these videos independently should purchase them by logging into their own eBusiness Account.
Disclaimer for Video On-Demand trainings:MMA’s video on demand offerings are recordings of previously offered trainings. MMA is unable to provide a certificate of completion for on-demand trainings.
Please note: Webinar presentation slides and handouts can be downloaded from our website: https://memun.org/Member-Center/Member-Workshop-Materials
The MMA Moderator Training program shares practical experience and strategies for moderating a town meeting. This interactive training will use role playing and hypotheticals to demonstrate best practices. This session is geared to new moderators and as a sharing opportunity for seasoned veterans. Clerks and municipal officials will also benefit from understanding the rules and strategies moderators employ.
Presenter: Stephen Wagner, Attorney, Rudman & Winchell